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Leonardo Myers
Leonardo Myers

A Comprehensive Guide to Continuous and Discrete Time Signals and Systems with CD-ROM

- Why are they important? - What are the differences between continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems? H2: Continuous-Time Signals and Systems - Definition and examples of continuous-time signals - Definition and examples of continuous-time systems - Properties and operations of continuous-time signals and systems - Analysis techniques for continuous-time signals and systems H3: Discrete-Time Signals and Systems - Definition and examples of discrete-time signals - Definition and examples of discrete-time systems - Properties and operations of discrete-time signals and systems - Analysis techniques for discrete-time signals and systems H4: Sampling and Reconstruction - Sampling theorem and aliasing - Ideal and practical sampling - Ideal and practical reconstruction - Quantization and coding H5: Fourier Analysis - Fourier series for periodic signals - Fourier transform for aperiodic signals - Properties of Fourier series and transform - Frequency domain representation of signals and systems H6: Laplace Transform - Definition and properties of Laplace transform - Region of convergence and inverse Laplace transform - Laplace transform of common signals - Laplace transform of linear time-invariant systems H7: Z-Transform - Definition and properties of Z-transform - Region of convergence and inverse Z-transform - Z-transform of common signals - Z-transform of linear time-invariant systems H8: Filter Design - Types and specifications of filters - Analog filter design using Butterworth approximation - Digital filter design using bilinear transformation - Finite impulse response filter design using window method H9: Applications of Signals and Systems - Signal processing applications such as audio, image, video, speech, etc. - Multimedia communications applications such as modulation, coding, compression, etc. - Bioinformatics applications such as genomic signal processing, array imaging detection, etc. H10: Conclusion - Summary of the main points covered in the article - Recommendations for further reading or learning # Article with HTML formatting Introduction

Signals are physical quantities that vary with time, space, or any other independent variable. They carry information about the behavior or attributes of some phenomenon. For example, sound waves are signals that convey speech or music; electrical currents are signals that transmit power or data; biological sequences are signals that encode genetic information; etc.

Continuous and Discrete Time Signals and Systems with CD-ROM Mrinal Mandal

Systems are entities that process signals. They can modify, store, or extract information from signals. For example, an amplifier is a system that increases the amplitude of a signal; a memory device is a system that stores a signal; a filter is a system that removes unwanted components from a signal; etc.

Signals and systems are essential concepts for electrical and computer engineers. They form the basis for many fields such as signal processing, communications, control, biomedical engineering, etc. They also have applications in other disciplines such as physics, chemistry, biology, economics, etc.

Signals can be classified into two types: continuous-time (CT) signals and discrete-time (DT) signals. CT signals are defined for every value of time in a given interval. DT signals are defined only at discrete instants of time. Similarly, systems can be classified into two types: continuous-time (CT) systems and discrete-time (DT) systems. CT systems process CT signals; DT systems process DT signals.

CT signals and systems are more natural and realistic because most physical phenomena are continuous in nature. However, DT signals and systems are more convenient and efficient for analysis, design, implementation, and computation because they can be represented by finite numbers and manipulated by digital devices such as computers.

In this article, we will introduce the fundamental concepts of CT and DT signals and systems, treating them separately in a pedagogical and self-contained manner. We will cover the definitions, examples, properties, operations, and analysis techniques of CT and DT signals and systems. We will also discuss some of the applications of signals and systems in signal processing, multimedia communications, and bioinformatics.

Continuous-Time Signals and Systems

A continuous-time (CT) signal is a function of a continuous variable, usually time. It can be denoted by x(t), where t is the independent variable and x is the dependent variable. A CT signal can be graphically represented by a curve that shows the variation of x with respect to t. For example, Figure 1 shows a CT signal that represents the voltage across a resistor as a function of time.

Figure 1: A continuous-time signal

A continuous-time (CT) system is an operator that maps an input CT signal to an output CT signal. It can be denoted by y(t) = T[x(t)], where x(t) is the input signal, y(t) is the output signal, and T is the system operator. A CT system can be graphically represented by a block diagram that shows the input, output, and system blocks. For example, Figure 2 shows a CT system that represents an amplifier that amplifies the input signal by a factor of A.

Figure 2: A continuous-time system

CT signals and systems can be classified into different categories based on their properties. Some of the important properties are:

  • Periodicity: A CT signal is periodic if it repeats itself after a fixed interval of time, called the period. A CT system is periodic if its output is periodic when its input is periodic.

  • Evenness and oddness: A CT signal is even if it is symmetric about the origin, i.e., x(t) = x(-t). A CT signal is odd if it is antisymmetric about the origin, i.e., x(t) = -x(-t). A CT system is even if its output is even when its input is even. A CT system is odd if its output is odd when its input is odd.

  • Causality: A CT system is causal if its output at any time depends only on the input at the present or past times, not on the future times.

  • Linearity: A CT system is linear if it satisfies the superposition principle, i.e., for any two input signals x1(t) and x2(t) and any two scalars a1 and a2, T[a1x1(t) + a2x2(t)] = a1T[x1(t)] + a2T[x2(t)].

  • Time-invariance: A CT system is time-invariant if its behavior does not change with time, i.e., for any input signal x(t) and any time shift t0, T[x(t - t0)] = y(t - t0), where y(t) = T[x(t)].

  • Stability: A CT system is stable if its output is bounded for any bounded input, i.e., for any input signal x(t) such that x(t) < M for some constant M, the output signal y(t) = T[x(t)] satisfies y(t) < N for some constant N.

CT signals and systems can be manipulated by various operations such as addition, multiplication, scaling, shifting, differentiation, integration, convolution, etc. These operations can change the shape, amplitude, frequency, phase, or energy of the signals or systems. Some of these operations are:

  • Addition: The addition of two CT signals x1(t) and x2(t) results in another CT signal x3(t) = x1(t) + x2(t), which represents the pointwise sum of the two signals.

  • Multiplication: The multiplication of two CT signals x1(t) and x2(t) results in another CT signal x3(t) = x1(t)x2(t), which represents the pointwise product of the two signals.

the entire time range.

Fourier series and Fourier transform have many properties that can be used to simplify the analysis of CT signals and systems. Some of these properties are:

  • Linearity: The Fourier series or transform of a linear combination of signals is equal to the same linear combination of their Fourier series or transform.

  • Time shifting: The Fourier series or transform of a time-shifted signal is equal to the Fourier series or transform of the original signal multiplied by a complex exponential with the corresponding frequency and phase.

  • Frequency shifting: The Fourier series or transform of a frequency-shifted signal is equal to the Fourier series or transform of the original signal shifted by the corresponding frequency.

  • Scaling: The Fourier series or transform of a scaled signal is equal to the scaled Fourier series or transform of the original signal with a scaled frequency.

  • Differentiation: The Fourier series or transform of a differentiated signal is equal to the Fourier series or transform of the original signal multiplied by jω, where j is the imaginary unit and ω is the angular frequency.

  • Integration: The Fourier series or transform of an integrated signal is equal to the Fourier series or transform of the original signal divided by jω, where j is the imaginary unit and ω is the angular frequency.

  • Convolution: The Fourier series or transform of a convolution of two signals is equal to the product of their Fourier series or transform.

  • Parseval's theorem: The energy or power of a signal is equal to the sum or integral of the squared magnitude of its Fourier series or transform.

Discrete-time Fourier series and discrete-time Fourier transform have similar properties that can be used to simplify the analysis of DT signals and systems. However, there are some differences due to the discrete nature of DT signals and systems. For example, DT signals and systems have periodicity in both time and frequency domains, which means that they repeat themselves after a certain number of samples or cycles. Also, DT signals and systems have aliasing, which means that different signals can have the same discrete-time Fourier series or transform if they differ by an integer multiple of the sampling frequency.

Laplace Transform

Laplace transform is another technique for analyzing CT signals and systems. It converts a CT signal or system from the time domain to the complex frequency domain, which is also called the s-domain. It can simplify the analysis of linear time-invariant systems by transforming differential equations into algebraic equations. It can also provide information about the stability, causality, and poles and zeros of a system.

Laplace transform is defined as follows:

$$ X(s) = \mathcalL\x(t)\ = \int_0^\infty x(t) e^-st dt $$

where x(t) is a CT signal, X(s) is its Laplace transform, s is a complex variable, and $\mathcalL$ denotes the Laplace transform operator. The inverse Laplace transform can be computed by using contour integration or partial fraction expansion techniques.

Laplace transform has many properties that can be used to simplify the analysis of CT signals and systems. Some of these properties are:

  • Linearity: The Laplace transform of a linear combination of signals is equal to the same linear combination of their Laplace transform.

  • Time shifting: The Laplace transform of a time-shifted signal is equal to the Laplace transform of the original signal multiplied by $e^-s t_0$, where $t_0$ is the time shift.

the frequency shift.

  • Scaling: The Laplace transform of a scaled signal is equal to the scaled Laplace transform of the original signal with a scaled frequency.

  • Differentiation: The Laplace transform of a differentiated signal is equal to the Laplace transform of the original signal multiplied by s.

  • Integration: The Laplace transform of an integrated signal is equal to the Laplace transform of the original signal divided by s.

  • Convolution: The Laplace transform of a convolution of two signals is equal to the product of their Laplace transform.

  • Initial value theorem: The initial value of a signal is equal to the limit of its Laplace transform as s goes to infinity.

  • Final value theorem: The final value of a signal is equal to the limit of its Laplace transform as s goes to zero.

Laplace transform can be used to analyze linear time-invariant systems by finding their transfer function, which is the ratio of the output and input Laplace transforms. The transfer function can reveal the poles and zeros of a system, which are the values of s that make the denominator and numerator of the transfer function zero, respectively. The poles and zeros can determine the stability and causality of a system, as well as its frequency response and impulse response.


Z-transform is another technique for analyzing DT signals and systems. It converts a DT signal or system from the time domain to the complex frequency domain, which is also called the z-domain. It can simplify the analysis of linear time-invariant systems by transforming difference equations into algebraic equations. It can also provide information about the stability, causality, and poles and zeros of a system.

Z-transform is defined as follows:

$$ X(z) = \mathcalZ\x[n]\ = \sum_n = -\infty^\infty x[n] z^-n $$

where x[n] is a DT signal, X(z) is its Z-transform, z is a complex variable, and $\mathcalZ$ denotes the Z-transform operator. The inverse Z-transform can be computed by using contour integration or partial fraction expansion techniques.

Z-transform has many properties that can be used to simplify the analysis of DT signals and systems. Some of these properties are:

  • Linearity: The Z-transform of a linear combination of signals is equal to the same linear combination of their Z-transform.

  • Time shifting: The Z-transform of a time-shifted signal is equal to the Z-transform of the original signal multiplied by $z^-n_0$, where $n_0$ is the time shift.

the frequency shift.

  • Scaling: The Z-transform of a scaled signal is equal to the scaled Z-transform of the original signal with a scaled frequency.

  • Difference: The Z-transform of a differenced signal is equal to the Z-transform of the original signal multiplied by (1 - z).

  • Summation: The Z-transform of a summed signal is equal to the Z-transform of the original signal divided by (1 - z).

  • Convolution: The Z-transform of a convolution of two signals is equal to the product of their Z-transform.

  • Initial value theorem: The initial value of a signal is equal to the value of its Z-transform at z = 1.

  • Final value theorem: The final value of a signal is equal to the limit of its Z-transform as z goes to 1.

Z-transform can be used to analyze linear time-invariant systems by finding their transfer function, which is the ratio of the output and input Z-transforms. The transfer function can reveal the poles and zeros of a system, which are the values of z that make the denominator and numerator of the transfer function zero, respectively. The poles and zeros can determine the stability and causality of a system, as well as its frequency response and impulse response.

Filter Design

Filter design is a technique that designs a CT or DT system that passes or attenuates certain frequency components of a CT or DT signal. It can specify the desired frequency response of a filter and then find the corresponding impulse response or transfer function. It can also implement the filter using analog or digital circuits or devices.

Filters can be classified into different types based on their frequency response. Some of the common types are:

  • Low-pass filter: A filter that passes low-frequency components and attenuates high-frequency components.

  • High-pass filter: A filter that passes high-frequency components and attenuates low-frequency components.

  • Band-pass filter: A filter that passes a certain band of frequencies and attenuates other frequencies.

  • Band-stop filter: A filter that attenuates a certain band of frequencies and passes other frequencies.

  • All-pass filter: A filter that passes all frequencies but changes their phase.

Filters can also be specified by their characteristics such as passband, stopband, cutoff frequency, transition band, ripple, attenuation, etc. These characteristics describe the behavior and performance of a filter in terms of how well it passes or attenuates certain frequency components. For example, Figure 5 shows the frequency response and characteristics of a low-pass filter.

Figure 5: Frequency response and characteristics of a low-pass filter

Filter design can be performed using various methods such as Butterworth approximation, bilinear transformation, window method, etc. These methods have different advantages and disadvantages in terms of complexity, accuracy, efficiency, etc. Some of these methods are:

  • Analog filter design using Butterworth approximation: This method designs a CT system that approximates the desired frequency response by using an analog circuit composed of resistors, capacitors, inductors, op-amps, etc. It uses Butterworth approximation to find the order and cutoff frequency of the filter that minimizes the deviation from the ideal response in both passband and stopband. It then uses standard formulas to find the transfer function and impulse response of the filter.

  • Digital filter design using bilinear transformation: This method designs a DT system that approximates the desired frequency response by using a digital device such as a computer or a microcontroller. It uses bilinear transformation to convert an analog filter into a digital filter by mapping the s-domain into the z-domain. It then uses standard formulas to find the transfer function and impulse response of the filter.

  • Finite impulse response filter design using window method: This method designs a DT system that has a finite number of nonzero values in its impulse response, called finite impulse response (FIR) filter. It uses window method to find the impulse response of the filter by multiplying the ideal impulse response by a window function that controls the shape and width of the main lobe and the sidelobes. It then uses standard formulas to find the transfer function and frequency response of the filter.

Applications of Signals and Systems

Signals and systems have many applications in various fields such as signal processing, multimedia communications, bioinformatics, etc. These applications involve processing, transmitting, receiving, or analyzing signals using systems. Some of these applications are:

  • Signal processing: Signal processing is the field that deals with the analysis, manipulation, or synthesis of signals. It can enhance, compress, filter, transform, or generate signals for various purposes such as noise reduction, data compression, encryption, modulation, etc. Some examples of signal processing applications are audio processing, image processing, video processing, speech processing, etc.

Multimedia communications: Multimedia communications is the field that deals with the transmission and reception of signals that carry multimedia information such as audio, image, video,


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